Troy and I had only been married for a year and were both still going to college. We were both shocked but so happy! We had no idea what God had in store for us but we knew He wanted us to be parents! We were ready for the challenge...scared to death...but ready.
Reid has blessed my life beyond my wildest dreams. I was meant to be his mother and I am so thankful for him. I pray daily for this little bundle of joy and have really enjoyed watching him grow into a handsome little 10 year old. He brightens my life and at night when he is sleeping I sneak in there to kiss his sweet little face and pray for him...shhh! don't tell him!
Little Reid.....awww, I rememeber this day like it was yesterday. He slept so much, loved his binky and love to be all wrapped up in blankets! If he wasn't wrapped as tight as could be he wouldn't sleep. He was the cutest little baby!
I remember people telling me to enjoy the moment because it went by to fast....I always said , yeah right. But, oh my, does time fly! I believe them now.
Now look at my 10 year old! Still cute as ever. Now he hates bedtime, doesn't like covers and sleeps on his back. I love this kid with all my heart and have loved spending the last 10 years as his mom.....can't wait for the next phase of our lives. Or, can I??? He's about to enter those tween years! YIKES!! HA Every day is an adventure!
Great post Heather! I love the pic of Troy resting as you're laboring! Too funny. I can't believe Reid was ever so little. I like how you compared the way he is now to then, so sweet.
Ya'll have done, and will continue to do, a fantastic job as parents to your special first born--even through the tween & teen trauma.
Love ya!
I am the first to leave a message. HAHAHA!!
I do love that 10 year old boy and I cant believe ow fast it goes. It seems like just yesterday that the beloved Michael Landon passed away. Now he is becoming one heck of an athlete and a great student. I miss living in Smithville and being able to see yall everyday, but there is going to be a day again when we are all closer.
-I love all of you.......
THAT SUCKS...I looked at the post and then there were none, after I posted, Holly beat me by two minuntes...I hate being slow typer or I would have been first!!!!
Ohhh- Stop the tears!!!! All of these posts about my "adopted" neices and nephews are killing me!!!
I love the picture of Troy!!! Troy, What were you thinking!!! (HeeHee)
You did it! You completed the challenge and with scanned pictures to boot! I forgot to see what time it was! (HeeHee)
Man, I am really full of the Hee Hees this morning! (HeeHee)
I remember the day you,Lynn,and I were in Austin eating at Bonanza. You were so quiet and we wanted to know if you felt bad--finally I asked "Are you pregnant?" The tears flowed and Lynn and I cheered. You were scared we would be mad. But we were glad. How we have enjoyed seeing baby Reid grow up to be the handsome, smart, thoughtful, wonderful 10 year old (almost 11) he is today. Love you all. nana
I love NANA'S memory of that day. I remember it too. You wanted so bad to tell us but as usual you didn't want to disappoint anyone. HELLOOOOOOOO. We were so excited and left our food and went straight to the DR. for a positive test! They worked us in, remember? Anyway, I don't have to tell you how that BOY has been the LIGHT in my life and soul. And brighter still is watching you be a mother. I LOVE YOU ..
But really I think he is my child and you only gave birth to him. ha!
How I love that child. Not everyone would stay wide awake for 2 days making sure he was still breathing.
Oh, and your Dr. was HOT when you had him. ha ha!
Love you
I loved this post...brought back a few memories from March 28th. And like everyone else, I love the picture of Troy. You have the sweetest son...
Love you!
LOVE the picture of Troy sleeping! I guess that is why God made us have the babies! It amazes me everytime I see Reid! He is growing up to be such a great little guy!
10 year challenge. what a great idea!
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