Sunday, August 31, 2008

To evacuate or not to evacuate...that is the question...?? Right now, we are staying put. We are prepared as well as we can be. We went to the store and bought batteries, water, canned food, candles and gum. The gum was Macy's idea. She can't go a day without some gum. And if we have no electricity we will be bored. So our thought was we could have some bubble blowing contests. :) Anyway, we really don't think we will get the brunt of the hurricane our way but will for sure get some rain from Old Gus. All our neighbors are staying put as well so if worse comes to worse we can have a neighhood block swimming party.

Back 3 years ago when we evacuated from Hurrican Rita it was pure chaos! And I do not want to sit in traffic like that ever again. It took us 18 hours just to get to Katy. By the time I made it to my sisters house I thought I was going to lose my mind. Then that night Rita took a turn and H-town was spared. So, I am hoping we will be spared this year, too. I am hoping Gus wants to visit some other fun city and not mine.

The weatherman said earlier to see what the night holds. They should know by early morning if Gus will take a turn toward us or go the other way. So for now we are bunkering down in our house. Who knows what tomorrow will hold. We might be heading to Mom and Dad's if in the morning we find out that we have to Mom be prepared for the Sab's. All 5 of us. :)

**Thanks for everyones sweet words about Tucker, our puppy. He is doing much better. If anyone is intersted I have 2 huge Sago Palms for sale. Just let me know if your interested. I will sell them cheap if you come dig them out yourself. :) Who knows maybe the hurricane like winds will blow them down. Hey, a girl can wish.....


Giggi said...

You can come back to my house! We'll party on! Glad Tucker is better! What an inititation into pet ownership! Batton down the hatches & be safe! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the M's for B! Made pancakes this morning! You were right...those sizzles are driving me batty! Just glad we don't have to evacuate. looks like we won't have a day off school either- sad and happy all at once! Have a great day! thanks for ALWAYS being a blessing! Love ya!

Lynn said...

Glad you got to stay home. It is a mess when these things decide to make a path through anyone's area. Poor ones that it chose. Hopefully, you'll get rain and that's all. Love you guys. But would have loved to have you.