Tuesday, July 07, 2015

High School Graduate in the House

Taking selfies before selfies were cool (OMG look at my 1999 eyebrows)

I've been going through all my blogs these last few days. You know, since I haven't been here since 2012.  I had forgot about all the things I wrote about and the fun things we have done.  I still can't believe I have a high school graduate.  To be honest, I have been in a heap of a mess.  Still.  It's so weird to look back on all these post and see Reid look so young.  I mean, I knew that would happen but geez.  I feel like it was just yesterday that he was hitting a wiffle ball into the neighbors backyard or riding his bike around the block with the neighborhood posse.  I feel like the last few years are a blur and I want them back.  I think of all the things I would have done differently as a parent.  All the things that I feel like as a Mom I failed miserably at day after day.  Then I think, ok, there were SOME things you did right.  But, mostly, I'm hard on myself and think of all the things I would change.  Well, don't we all.  (Please tell me I'm not alone.  haha)

Reid....aka "Rooster"

One thing is for sure, I do know that I absolutely love, love, love my boy.  He is a great kid.  I know I'm partial but I really am so proud of him and the young man he is becoming.  I can see it more and more everyday and he makes me and his Dad so proud.  I've watched him grow into this strong Christian man and sometimes I can't believe he is mine.  I watched him stand up at my Dad's funeral and talk about his Papaw with such grace and love that my heart was bursting out of my chest.  I have watched him stand in the pulpit of our church to pray, serve communion or talk about how wonderful camp was to the congregation and I am so proud I can't even stand it.

Senior pics by his auntie momma Ash who gave him his first Slurpee at 6 weeks old...WHAT! ha!

His Senior year has been such a fun time for us.  He has kept us on our toes.  I have loved the busyness and often had to remind myself to slow down and enjoy this moment.  He has gone to Colorado for Trek, church camps, youth events, school Winter Formals, Prom, got a job, had a fun time in PALs, drove all over town in his big red truck and took the mandatory after school naps.  You know, like all teenagers. Man, what I would't give for a nap.  When he would nap, I would sometimes sneak in his room just to stare at him.  His legs almost touch the end of the bed, he takes up the whole queen size but when I look at his face I still see that sweet little snaggle tooth boy who couldn't go anywhere without me, loved to sleep with me and snuggle when his Dad was working night shift work.  He used to tell me he would save me from monsters. He would give me butterfly kisses and the best hugs ever.  He was my main squeeze.  My sweetie.  And at that time mommy could do no wrong.  I was always worried that when he was a teenager that he would hate me, yell at me or disappoint me by going down the wrong road but I was wrong. You know what, he still loves me, hugs me even though he's way taller than me, he's still my main squeeze and every once in a while he'll lay in bed with me to watch TV.  Oh, heart be still.  He is the sweetest, most loving kid and I am lucky to call him my son.  He is respectful to me and his Dad, he loves his sister (he's really protective of her, but shhhh) and that is all we ask for. I mean, don't get me wrong, we have had our moments of cra-cra, late night scoldings and missed curfews.  But, those were teaching moments and I'm thankful for them.  God has truly blessed us with Keaton Reid and I look forward to watching what God has in store for our boy.

Trekking through Colorado with the youth group 

Party Time

 The Sab's

 Reid, Aunt Ashley, Uncle B, Bubbie

 Fun at Graduation

 Reid, Jaxon, Braxton, Maddi and Avery...his fan club

 Reid and his other mothers.  Robyn, Holly and Kim

 Reid and Neena looking sweet as ever

Granny, Van, Linda, Marc, Me, Troy and Reid.  So glad they came!!

He has decided to stay here for a year and go to a local community college.  As happy as I am that he is not leaving the nest.....yet.....I still worry if we are making the right decision. I know he's missing out on some of the fun freshman year festivities at college but I feel in my heart we are doing what is best for him.  I know we have to TRUST as I know what kind of kid he is.  Though sweet and kind, he is also shy and a little unsure of things.  My prayer is that he matures just a bit and by next semester or next year he will have a little more understanding of what he wants to do and can feel God's guidance in all he does.  As a mom, I want him to be happy, independent and thrive wherever God plants him. I just pray its not Alaska or something like that.

I have prayed for this moment since he was born and the hardest thing now is sitting back and watching God's hands take the lead.  My prayer for my boy is that he is happy, healthy and that he puts God first in everything he does.  I also pray that he trusts the Heavenly Father with his life, is fervent in prayer and never lets go of the teachings of our Lord that his Dad and I have tried our hardest to instill in him.  We planted that seed when he was just a baby and pray that it continues to grow through the years.

"I have no greater JOY than to hear that my
 children are walking in the truth."  
3 John 1:4

God is ever so faithful,

1 comment:

RobynsNestof5 said...

Girl y'all did good! Love all these sentiments and love your sweet family! ...and those eyebrows, Lol!