Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday Tidbits

*The kids have been busy with Basketball camp, Baseball Camp, Tennis Camp (for Macy) and in July....Football Camp. They have loved doing this. This is the first summer they have really been intersted in doing the summer camps at their school. This year they are doing it at a new school in the area. Reid has done the camp with Cousin Justin, only because he knew him. Reid is shy like that. But this summer he has loved meeting new kids and showing off his skills. :) Macy has loved tennis camp and has actually hit some balls OVER the net instead of the court next to her or hitting her opponent.

*It's a good thing they are doing the camps at the new school because we are in the process of moving....yes, moving. Our house is on the market and we have a contract to build in the town right next to us. (Still the same school district) We are super excited and ready for our new adventure that God has planned in our lives. We have to sell our house in order for it to all fall in to place so please keep us in your prayers. AND if you hear of someone needing a really cute house....let me know. :) We will keep you posted and will hopefully have pictures to share soon.

*With the house on the market I have to keep my house clean. The clean part isn't so bad but having to make the beds everyday before I leave is getting REAL old! After they are made I am glad because it does feel good...maybe it will become a habit. Who knows?

*We just got back from the movies. We saw Toy*Story and yes, there were tears. I remember when Reid had all the characters and LOVED watching it. We watched it all the time. The movie we have is even a VHS. haha! It makes me sad to think my baby is growning up. I feel all sappy just talking about it.

*I need to go to the grocery store. Why do I hate it so much? There is no food in the house and my teenager has let me know...oh, about every 5 minutes.

*Summer has been great so far. I have loved sleeping a little later and just hanging out at home. I have heard the dreaded words I AM BORED but other than that things are great. It usually doesn't last long. There has already been swimming fun, Schlitt*erbahn trip to G-town, play dates, fireworks and rides at Ke*mah, camps and fun family bike rides.

*I love SuMmEr! Hope you are enjoying your summer, too!

What have you done fun so far? Do you like going to the grocery store? Have you heard the dreaded summer words yet...I'm bored?

1 comment:

Holly said...

Sorry you've been having to drive (and drive some more) back and forth this way for the camps--but hopefully it won't be for too much longer. I KNOW the right family will find your house and then y'all can settle on this side for GOOD! :)

I'm ready for Friday--no tennis camp = sleeping in!!